Papers, 1797-1802.


Papers, 1797-1802.

Consists of a diary, "Medical Diary no. 3," and a ledger, "Ledger no. 2," that has newspaper clippings laid in. The ledger documents such activities as inoculating children, bandaging, visitations, and prescribing medicines. In many instances, the medicines used were listed. References to care provided to journeymen and other workers were made under the master's account. The back of the volume contains "A Catalog of the books belonging to the Library of J.F. Vaughan, M.D., 1826." It bears a stationers label of J. Wilson of Wilmington. The volume was later used as a scrapbook and contains clippings of poems, anecdotes, and short stories. Three bills made out to Mrs. (Anne E.) Vaughan for painting and glass and a looking glass are laid in. Vaughan used the diary to list climatic conditions (temperature, wind direction, and weather) from July 1797 to December 1801. As he believed that these conditions influenced the occurrences of diseases at certain times of the year, he noted what his patients suffered from during the same period. Occasionally, he copied an article he read, something he had heard, or a letter that he had either written or received about a medical matter. One of his correspondents was Dr. Benjamin Rush. The diary also features Vaughan's observances of the yellow fever epidemic in Wilmington in 1802.

2 v. (items laid in).


SNAC Resource ID: 8325626

Winterthur Library

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